Re: Forwarded mail...

Graham Toal (
Wed, 8 Jun 1994 14:01:35 +0100

: Please people, we don't need a dozen messages saying there is a loop in the
: list, especially if we get three copies of each. If you wish to do something
: about it talk to someone at (which is where the duplicates appear
: to come from) or contact bugtraq-owner / bugtraq-request directly and
: ask them to drop the offending entry from the list (assuming that there
: is a entry at cscns on the lsit in the first place). Cheers, Neil.

But I did!  I mailed postmaster@cnscs immediately, then tracked down the
problem by expn-ing everything relevant I could find there - it looks
like Scott Chasin is running two copies of the list  -  one at crimelab
and a duplicate at cnscs - with the latter being buggy and having itself
in its (broken - try expn'ing it) output list.  I guess he's testing
a patch on majordomo, because it seems to be running under a 'wrapper'
directory.  I got Chasin's phone no from the Nic and left a message
for him to look into it.  (rather than post here.  I hope it's fixed now...)